10 selling tips for your home
Whether or not you hire a real estate agent when selling your home. A few things are always useful to consider.
First impressions often say it all. Just like a first meeting. What does that person look like? How does he/she behave? What are the common ground and what does this person have to offer you?
Putting on your critical glasses
Walk in through your front door and try looking at your home through the critical eyes of an interested buyer yourself. What would you notice at the first steps? How does the property look? Does it look cared for? And how can you yourself inside and outside your home ensure that a viewing, or first meeting, is a success. So that the buyer falls in love.
Our 10 tips
- Clean up – The less there is standing and lying around, the better. This often makes the home appear much more spacious. And those few optical meters more, can do wonders. So even extra furniture that is not needed is often better removed for a while. Think poufs, child seats, etc. But also the everyday things like the plates and cups on the kitchen counter or the underpants on the clothesline .
- Make it impersonal – This, of course, is unlike a first meeting. But in this case, all your personal items do nothing at all to a buyer. This makes it your house, where you feel at home. A potential buyer should be able to imagine living there. So remove those crafts and the pictures on the refrigerator.
- Clean and working equipment – Especially if the equipment is built in or left behind after sale, this is an important point. If it is no longer working or very dirty, we recommend replacing it.
- Overdue maintenance/refurbishing-Sand and paint your window frames if they no longer look neat and work those stains on the wall. Often there are “user marks” that you yourself don’t even notice anymore, but another person does. It costs only a few dollars and, of course, some energy, but the results are worth it. Also note, for example, loose cords and crookedly hanging paintings.
- Nice smell in the house – A nice fresh smell, that’s easy to take care of. But the “home feeling” can also be enhanced by a good pot of coffee.
In any case, remove all foul odors immediately. A trash bag that should have been thrown away long ago or the full dishwasher that should have been left on. Work this off in time. - A little flower – There is a fresh flower at the reception desk of a company or on the table of a restaurant for a reason. It gives a friendly and cheerful look and that is exactly what you want to give the buyer for impression.
- Post real photos – Don’t make your home bigger than it is. Then the first meeting is bound to disappoint. Just as often happens with online dating 😉 You have no use for it at all. A buyer is better off thinking, “Wow, the living room is much bigger than I thought.” Instead of “Owh…what a little one.”
- Quietly showing around – If you are selling your home yourself, take your time with the person or persons who come to view your home. That’s what you would probably like to do yourself when you get a tour.
If you have hired a selling broker, it is better to be absent yourself. Perhaps there is no click with the interested buyer and you miss out on a sale as a result. In addition, the real estate agent can often be more businesslike because there is no emotional attachment to the property, which can be more beneficial. - Be honest – When asked questions that you are not sure of the answer to, it is best to say so honestly or indicate that you are going to find out/inquire. Especially on important issues regarding the condition of the home. After all, if it turns out, for example after a building inspection, that you have given incorrect information, this can cause problems afterwards. But keep it businesslike.
By “be honest,” we don’t mean put all your personal stories on the table. On the contrary. - Provide light in the home – A home looks bigger and fresher when light shines in or can be seen into a garden. So open the curtains and, if necessary, leave a window ajar.